Logical Eyelash Extension Solutions – Straightforward Advice

With any cosmetic surgery their is a small element of risk of infection but that goes for any kind of surgery which is performed on you. Since you are invading your body you can expect a couple of days of swelling where the surgery was performed and that’s it. After a couple of days you will have beautiful eyelashes to be proud of.

If you feel like you have already tried every mascara and are still not getting the desired results, you may want to consider eyelash extensions. These are very similar in theory to hair extensions. Individual artificial lash hairs are carefully attached to your existing lashes using a special glue that stays in place for a few months. This is a great way to get the look of longer lashes without having to make a daily effort such as applying mascara or fake lashes, and holds up well through sports and swimming.

There is now a process now that you can have permanent eyelashes transplanted. It’s the same idea as if you are having hair replanted. The only permanent eyelashes are eyelash transplants which are performed under anesthetic by a doctor and will cost you approximately $5,000.

The correct shaped eyebrow frames your face, so visit a beautician at least a month prior to your wedding to have them shaped and then again a couple of days before the wedding.

lash extension nyc The cheaper option and by no means inferior is lashes made up of synthetic products. There are different types of synthetic lashes and as the saying goes, ‘you get what you pay for’. Look for a good quality product not the cheapest one you can find.

If you are having a professional do them, look for someone that has experience with not only applying extensions but also with the type of extensions you have purchased. Most salons supply their own. Some ask that you purchase them outside the salon.

The eyelash enhancer can give you results in as little as four weeks. That is correct, four weeks; in fact many see results in two weeks. I know you must be thinking that this is too good to be true.

Eyelash treatment products. Research different treatment products available both online and in the beauty shops and see which applies to your eyelashes. If you need something that encourages hair growth, get a product that will help you help with this. If you just want to make your lashes look thicker, there are different oils, which can do this. As with having the proper diet, treatment takes time so you should be patient and follow the instructions of the treatment product you purchase.

Extend Eyelash Extensions NYC
Phone: 929-519-6969
38 W 31st St Suite 148
New York, NY 10001